As we journey through this season of singleness we often seek a little bit of help from the outside (aka. books), or at least I do. Being an avid book reader my entire life, it only seemed natural to seek out books to give me insight or help me in my current life experiences. There are a couple books that I found extremely helpful (and some, not so much), and I would like to share them with you now.
Lady in Waiting: Becoming God's Best While Waiting for Mr. Right
This was my first purchase of singleness literature - and what a good one at that! This book, written by Jackie Kendall & Debbie Jones was exactly what I needed to hear at that time. I was so 'doom and gloom' about being single, that I never realised that there might have been a reason I was single - this is a time where I can grow in my relationship with Christ.
This book was a total blessing to me, and if you pick it up, I hope you will be equally blessed.
Sacred Singleness
Author Leslie Ludy offers experiential advice to Christian single women. She has found that most Christian young women fall into one of two categories: those who are discontent and unfulfilled, constantly searching for the right one, and those who are consumed by a passionate romance with Jesus Christ and are living joyful, satisfied lives. It is her mission to help those surrender the lives to Jesus, rather than surrender their lives to the world.
An excellent read for sure!
When God Writes Your Love Story
This book is written from both a male and a female perspective. Husband and wife authors, Eric and Leslie Ludy, offer testaments from their single days, and encouragement to those walking the single path today.
I really enjoyed the perspective change throughout their book - what does a guy think in regards to this______, what does a woman think in reference to this______.
The Single Issue
Recently, I've heard much talk about book entitled
The Single Issue by Al Hsu.
Here is one of the
reviews I read of this book that make me want to go out an buy it right now!
Have you read
The Single Issue? What did you think?
What books have helped you in your singleness walk?