Friday, June 22, 2012

Letter to My Fellow Single Gals

To My Single Sisters,

          I have so much that I want to say to you, and yet, I find it hard to search for the words to say it to you now. This past year, as I have dove into analyzing my singleness and trying to see it as God sees it, has been nothing shy of enlightening. God has been so faithful to enhancing my learning process, some of which I choose to share with you now.

          I have learned that even though this walk [of singleness] may seem lonely, we are not alone. Not only do we have each other, we have Jesus. He walked the path of singleness before us, and knows EXACTLY what we are going through. Don't you think that when all of Jesus' friend's were at the age where they were all getting married that He felt left out? He felt the same human emotions that we feel today. He gets it! Even if you don't have other single [girl]friends, you can always turn to Him.

          Singleness does not define who you are. Too many times, and I find this especially true at this time in my life, we get defined by our relationship status (or lackthereof). Being single does not make you any less of a person. Being single does not make you any less of a woman. It is simply just a time in life that everyone person goes through at one time or another - some are longer, some are shorter - but rest assured that God is using this time to mold us into the women that He wants us to be.

          We are single, not because of something we've done in the past. We are single, not because we have something that we must change in ourselves first. We are single because this is God's provision for us today. God's got a plan. Singleness may not be in your plan, but it's in God's plan. Take comfort in knowing that God's plan has nothing but the intention of making us prosperous and giving us a blessed future.

          Strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I used to think that Proverbs 31 was a lovely little chapter about what a godly, respectable wife looks like. But it's more than that. It's about what it means to be a woman after God's own heart; a woman who strives to serve others and not herself, a woman who is clothed with dignity and integrity; a woman of exemplary character.

          Whether I know you personally or not, I care for you and am praying for you. As sisters in Christ, especially single sisters in Christ, we need to encourage each other, and hold each other accountable to God's design for our lives (including our singleness).

          It is my prayer that your eyes will be opened to God's plan and provision on this season of your life. And remember, it is only a season.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to Pray for Your Future Husband

           Many Christian singles often get advised, that while waiting for our future significant others, we should pray diligently for them. I, myself, am a huge advocate for this (within its proper context) and is something I've blogged about quite a bit.

          Recently I came across an article entitled "How to Pray for Your Future Husband" by the site The Overwhelmed Woman. The author takes this idea to the next level. She visually demonstrates to readers how they can specifically pray for their future hubby. I think it's a great little reminder how we, as single women, can be serving our future mate now (even before we even meet them).


I highly (HIGHLY!!) recommend that you check this article out; it can be found here.

What do you think? Do you think this is something we singles should participate in?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thank God for Single Girlfriends!

           This is just an appreciation to all of my single girlfriends! You ladies rock!

           My single friends are so encouraging. It's a joy to have people in your life that you can relate to and help build each other up, not only in our common single state, but also in our relationship with Christ.

         I'm not always comfortable talking with people (in real life) about the kinds of things that I discuss on my blog (it's definitely something I'm trying to work on), but there are a few ladies where I can sit an talk about this kind of stuff non-stop. They are the people that no matter what I'm feeling, I know I can turn to them for advice, antidotes, or just a shoulder to cry on. To these ladies I raise my glass! Thank you for being my rock, my inspiration, my 'magic 8 ball'. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.

Do you have single girlfriends to rely on? How do they help you in your single season?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ruth Never Settled...and Neither Should You!

           So this picture was posted on my Facebook wall this week. It made me chuckle, but it also gives solid advice to the single gals out there. Ruth waited patiently for the man of her dreams, and we should too! But during this period of waiting (our single season), we must not settle for anything less than God's best.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Thank You Jesus!

             So I had this thought come to my the other day: Am I thankful that I'm single? Do I actually tell God thanks for placing me in this state? Probably not. Am I the only one who falls short in this area? And you know why I think I do don't this? - It's because I have this poisonous notion in my head that singleness is bad (don't we all?).

            I think of it like this: You know that awkward holiday turtleneck sweater that you get for Christmas from your great aunt? It's kinda like that. You only say thank you to be polite, knowing full well that it's not your favourite thing in the world and that you'll never actually learn to like it enough to actually wear it. "Thank you Jesus for my singleness." Do you actually like being single, or are you just trying to fake it for Jesus (trust me, that probably won't work)? Yep! That's me! I've been just floating around in my 'singleness bubble' waiting for it to be over ("are we there yet?"), not really accepting this season of my life in which God has placed me.

As soon as I came to this realization, I thought of a saying I heard once:

When you can't muster up any reason to thank God [for your singleness] - maybe that's the time when you need to thank Him the most.

Do you actually like being single, or have you been 'faking it'?

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