Friday, June 15, 2012

Thank God for Single Girlfriends!

           This is just an appreciation to all of my single girlfriends! You ladies rock!

           My single friends are so encouraging. It's a joy to have people in your life that you can relate to and help build each other up, not only in our common single state, but also in our relationship with Christ.

         I'm not always comfortable talking with people (in real life) about the kinds of things that I discuss on my blog (it's definitely something I'm trying to work on), but there are a few ladies where I can sit an talk about this kind of stuff non-stop. They are the people that no matter what I'm feeling, I know I can turn to them for advice, antidotes, or just a shoulder to cry on. To these ladies I raise my glass! Thank you for being my rock, my inspiration, my 'magic 8 ball'. I am truly blessed to have you in my life.

Do you have single girlfriends to rely on? How do they help you in your single season?


  1. I have one single gf named Brooke.... who is quite an inspiration to me in how she is honest about the struggles she has, as well and diligent in reminding me to seek God instead of someone else.
    I love here dearly and feel so blessed to have her in my life.

    1. thank you for saying that. I feel the EXACT same about you. You are someone that I can always turn to to talk about this kind of stuff with - I'm lucky to have you as a friend <3


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