Friday, October 26, 2012

I Apologize.

I would just like to apologize to you all.

My posts these past few months have been sporadic at best, and for that I am sorry.
                  Lately I've been lacking motivation and material to write about. When I first started this blog I promised myself that I wouldn't post something for the sake of posting something. I never wanted to be that type of blogger that posts meaningless things to gain more views, and I think in this regard I may have fallen short at times. I want to be intentional in my writing. I want to share things that are on my heart; things that God is teaching me; things that we can all learn from.


PS - If you have something on your heart that you would like to share with Living as a Single Gal readers, please get in contact with me - I would gladly feature you on my blog or consider writing on your topic of interest! Leave a comment here if you would consider writing a post or two :)

Talk to you later (hopefully soon),


  1. Hey girl!!! Apology accepted, don't feel bad. We all know it happens :)

    I didn't realize you were being sporadic, I was evening planning to ask you if you could do a guestpost on my blog :)

    Stay blessed :)

    1. Thanks Cindy! Ps- I would LOVE to write a post for your blog! how can I get in contact with you?


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