Friday, November 30, 2012

Happy Blogversary To Me!

Today is my 1 year blogversary. Wow. 1 year. 
   I can't believe it.

      Quite honestly I never thought I would have enough commitment to carry this for 1 whole year. But here we are...November 30.

      So, in honour of this milestone in my blogging career I decided to write out a couple things that blogging has taught me and things to keep in mind if you're a blogger/want to be a blogger yourself.

Here it goes.

1. To have an opinion. So many times I would sit back in class, not participating in anything. Why? Because I didn't think I had anything important to say. But, this last year has taught me that I have a unique and important perspective that I need to share.

2. Blogging is not a popularity contest. Well, maybe it is. But it shouldn't be. I try to be intentional enough with my posts not to "post for the sake of posting something" - trust me, that wouldn't be a good thing! Then you would get a whole bunch of useless, meaningless posts about nothing. I like you guys too much to make you read random stuff that comes out of my head!

3. Comparison is the thief of joy. Too many times I have looked at other people's blogs and wished mine were like that. They have more followers than me; their layout is much nicer; they get more views in a week than I get in a month and so on and so forth. This needs to stop. When I look at my blog I am proud of it. It's only when I start comparing it to others that it seems that it is not good enough. Isn't that how it is in life?!

4. I am my own worst critic. Seriously. I find myself reading, re-reading, and re-re-reading some more before, after and months after I post things. Grammar and spelling errors are a pet peeve of mine especially in cases were they can be avoided (thank the Lord for spellcheck!) so I am constantly looking over my future, present and past posts to make sure they make sense.

5. Always blog with an "encouraging" mindset. This has been a rule that I've recently established for myself. There are enough negative, complaining people on the Internet, and I don't want to be one of them. I want to be set apart. I wanted a place where I could be encouraged, where I could connect with my single sisters in Christ. I wanted a place that didn't seem like a "self-help" book, or that was filled with unrealistic expectations. I wanted somewhere real; somewhere I could talk about my struggles. Encouragement will always be one of my main purposes for writing Living as a Single Gal, and I hope that's why you read it and are able to relate to many of the things I talk about.

5. I am not alone. One of the most terrifying nights over the last year was the night I posted my first blog post. I was scared, worried, uneasy. What would people think of it? What would people think of me? Well, I can honestly say that all that worrying was for nothing. The day after I posted my first blog post I got an overwhelming response by friends and family. So much love was given to me. And over the last year I have gotten to know you guys as readers. This has helped me know that I AM NOT ALONE (and neither are you).  

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading
Thank you for walking alongside me this past year; you've been a blessing to me.


  1. "Comparison is a thief of joy." So, so, so, so true!!
    Excellent point

  2. I am so proud of you and your commitment to writing this blog! I think having a strong Christian single lady to look up to is so important for so many young ladies. All to often in the Christian communities marriage is made out to be the "best option", which in all reality is not what the Bible has said (God has created marriage for some people and for others he has different plans).

    Thanks for being one of those voices that is willing to speak up!

  3. What a blessing it is reading your posts. Happy Blogiversary my wonderful friend!
    Praise God for friends to encourage each other :D

  4. interesting blog :) keep writing


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