Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Ten Days of Prayer

        Don't you just love surfing the internet? You're not looking for anything specific, then you come across little gems of wisdom! That was my day today! I came across this wonderful list that I thought I would pass onto my fellow single gals (and you married ones too!).

1.Pray for his relationship with God.

2. Pray that God would bless him.

3. Pray that God would lead him to become the spiritual leader of your (one day) household.

4. Pray that he will love you deeply.

5. Pray that he would have a heart for his children.

6. Pray that he would make wise choices.

7. Pray for his physical, mental and emotional health.

8. Pray that he would be able to resist sexual temptation.

9. Pray that he would prosper at work.

10. Pray that you will show him respect, grace and kindness.

         What I think I'm going to do is pray for one of these things each day, then I'll have 10 days of specific prayers for my future Mr.

Any thoughts? 


  1. WOW I REALLY love the ten days of prayer!! I WOULD LIKE TO do the same thing!! I love every one of them. wow...

    Love, Cindy from South Africa

    1. aren't they great?! I LOVE finding stuff like this online!

      It's a great challenge to myself....10 days of specific things I can pray for in regards to my future hubby. Praying for him now is great practice for when we're together - a wife should be a husband's #1 prayer warrior!

      Thanks for reading Cindy!

  2. Thanks for following my blog Brooke. I promise I will try my best not to be one of those useless followers that never comment or do anything. Please try and do the same :)

    God bless you :)


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