Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Singleness: It's a Love/Hate Relationship

            Do you ever have those days where you love being single (to tell you the truth, I can't think of any off the top of my head - but I'm sure they have happened). How about days where being single make you feel down in the dumps (I'm sure we can remember those days more vividly). Singleness can be a love-hate relationship. So, I've decided to get honest, and write down some of the things I love most about being single, and some of the things that I love not-so-much about being single.

Why I LOVE being Single:
- How I am evolving as a person. This past year has been such a year of spiritual and personal growth for me. God has defiantly been using this time to teach and mold me into a woman after His own heart.
- How God is using me to make a difference in this world, regardless of my marital status
- I love my independence and freedom to live my day-to-day life as I see fit.

Why I HATE being Single:
- Sometimes, I get lonely. Yes, it's true. Sometimes being single is lonely.
- How shallow everyone's thoughts are about people who are single. I am not a leper, social outcast or party pooper.

* The biggest comfort for me is that knowing whatever I'm feeling (lonely, disconnected, sad), I know that my Savior felt it all before. He walked this road before me, and it brings me incredible peace to know that I can take everything to Him.

What do you LOVE and HATE about being single?
C'mon ladies - Don't leave me hanging here all alone...


  1. Love:
    ~That I can wear whatever just lazing around without worrying someone will come over
    ~Getting a bit more time to hangout with just girls
    ~There is no pressure of that 'so when are you two getting married?' thing lol

    ~Fun quirky memories and moments with a guy
    ~Getting to surprise your boyfriend with creative ways to show you love him (i miss the excitement of coming up with new ways to make his day)
    ~Feeling like the only one of my friends who is not getting engaged (except for my wonderful buddy Brooke lol and a few others) ... it sure feels like we are the minority sometimes

    1. YES, YES, YES! I can relate! Sometimes I definetly feel like the odd man out - good thing we can stick together and keep each other company :)

      Thanks for your comment!

  2. Love
    -I don't have to worry about broken hearts
    -There is no temptation!
    -I can just focus on school, God, friends, and family

    -The fact that all of my friends seem to be dating and don't really have time to hang out with me, and if we do they are always talking about their boyfriends and our friendships just aren't the same

  3. I am single and I am loving every minute! I have had so many amazing opportunities because I haven't had to factor in wishes, opinions and life of a partner. Trust me, it does doesn't have to be a love/hate relationship unless you obsess about it.

    Just sit back and relax, if romance, love and marriage is meant to happen, it will happen but in the mean time just get out there and do your thing. If it is not meant to be, you've ended up spending your whole life focusing on something that will not happen and not engaged in the present reality.

    What I've found is that things happen when you least expect it!

    Oh, don't you think that you can also be lonely while in a relationship?

  4. Sorry, iPads aren't the best to edit what you've written, I hope you get my general drift

  5. The fact is, Singleness really sucks when you have no one to Share your life with.


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