Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dating Jesus

           Hey All! I wanted to get out my New Year's Resolution before midnight tonight because I am very excited about it (and I have every intention of starting tomorrow - so I wanted to tell you about it first!).

          This year I'm going to start dating! (*Pause for surprised/outraged/confused reaction). Dating Jesus that is. I've always been the kind of person who has never been able to stick to a devotional plan or follow through with "quiet time", but this year, 2012, is going to be the year I attempt to change all that.

          When you're dating another person you take time to get to know them better, their "likes", "dislikes", personality, hobbies, etc. So that's my plan. I'm going to take this year (and when you think about it, I think I can devote a year of my life to God) and get to know Him better. I'm going to try to eliminate the time that I focus on dating, or trying to impress guys, and spend that time focusing on Jesus. Does that sound corny? I hope not, cause I really mean it!

          Why on earth am I telling you all this? Maybe this will be an inspiration to some of you to get to know Him better yourself, but mostly I hope it will keep me accountable to my plan. If you see me walking in the halls at school or at church, please ask me "How's your New Year's Resolution going, Brooke?" Isn't that (keeping each other accountable) what we're suppose to be doing as Christians? I hope that you all can help me stick to my resolution this year. I plan on telling you what I am learning and discovering in God's word throughout this upcoming year! It's going to be very exciting, and I can't wait to share it with you all!!!

          I've never been a person to set New Year's Resolutions, but I have to say -- I'm really excited about this! And, if it goes that way I hope it will go, 2012 will be a year of personal growth, learning more about my faith and Savior, Jesus Christ.

[Happy 2012 everyone!]

           Wishing you all a festive New Year's. Stay safe and enjoy time spent with friends and family. See you in 2012!!!!
           What are your New Years Resolutions? Do you bother making any? What helps you stick to the plans you make for the New Year? Please share - I'd love to hear!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this resolution with us. I am excited to see how you grow, and I feel encouraged (as I had already really been feeling lately)to really seek to grow closer to God in this next semester.... maybe for me it doesn't mean giving up any chance of dating, but it does mean getting my priorities in better order.
    Thanks for your posts, you are a beautiful and amazing girl Brookster <3


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