Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Ruth: A Woman After God's Own Heart

Yay! So, it's day 4 of my New Year's Resolution. So far, so good! Please keep me in your prayers...

             The past few days I've been looking at the book of Ruth. I've always loved the story, and why wouldn't I? It's a wonderful love story! And as women, don't we all love a good love story? (Need a Ruth refresher? Check it out here)

              The book of Ruth is one of two books of the bible that is named after a woman (the other being Esther, another A-class broad, whom I'm sure I will tackle in the coming weeks). The fact that she even is named in the bible, as many women are not, tells us her importance, but this girl has a whole book named after her! Watch out, Ruth is coming through!

               I think Ruth is a wonderful example to all of us. She left her love story in the hands of the Father. Her life probably did not turn out the way she envisioned it going, but it turned out just as God intended it. She left her family, her people, her land, and followed her mother-in-law, Naomi, after the death of her husband. How many of us could do that?

               [Ruth in the field with Boaz, her soon to be hubby]             

                Isn't that a valuable lesson for all of us? I'm the type of person who needs to know what's going to happen before it happens (surprises don't sit well with me!), I strive to be in control. Don't we all? But, I want to be like Ruth. I want to, want to be able to disregard my plans and follow the route God has for me. To kick that 'control freak' personality trait right out the door. I want to be a woman of character, a woman after God's own heart.

What has Ruth taught you?

1 comment:

  1. Ruth is one of my favourite biblical women! Way to go! Love your blog.


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